What better way for the staff, students, and community to remember the four core values of Narembeen District High School (NB DHS) than through something visual!
Toward the end of last year, I was approached by the NB DHS Wellness Team as they prepared to create and launch their new Values Project, which aims to enhance awareness of these core values and add to an already great culture within the school.
✨ Learning, Equity, Care & Excellence ✨
Former teacher Danielle Leask-Copeman was also approached and is the very clever talent behind the four animal caricatures. After she completed the drawings, I digitised each design, making them versatile for various applications and future projects. With these delightful caricatures, proceeded with the design and production of this new signage, which now takes prime place the school assembly area.
A is a wonderful initiative and a very special project to be involved in, especially for me as a former student and parent of a current student. A big thank you and congratulations to the Wellness Team for their incredible efforts!